Thursday, October 29, 2015

birth story

People have loved giving me advice during my pregnancy. I am sure other mothers, or soon to be mothers, feel the same way. So when you have gone past your due date by five days and you are spotted waddling up and down the stairs in the phoenix public library, strangers like to tell you exactly how to get labor going. I had some Lotus locals tell me to do squats; I laughed at them. A neighbor told me that all I needed to do was eat five wiener schnitzel hot dogs and drink a gallon of water and I would go into labor. Little did they know that by October 18th, the day my water broke, I had tried almost every single recommended way to induce labor. SO, in case any of you were wondering how to go about getting your water to break, just follow these fool proof steps, it is pretty simple. ;)

  1. long walk
  2. facials
  3. give up 

6:30 pm (the afternoon before labor): I went on a long walk with Keith, my mom Deanna, and my little sis Autumn, at Dreamy Draw state park. I had been having contractions the night before and all throughout the day, and I thought I was going to be at the hospital that morning. We walked and walked and my sweet family tried to keep me entertained and happy.

9:00-10:30 pm: Facials. 

1:30 am October 18th: I had just about given up on the idea that I would be having a baby anytime soon. My doctor had predicted that I would have given birth more than a week ago and I was exhausted and super done waiting. After having contractions throughout the night, and at the end of one particularly painful contraction, my water broke. Talk about a weird feeling.

thanks for sending me love during a contraction

2:00 am: We arrived at the hospital where I walked up and down the halls stopping to have a contraction. On one occasion the pain was so intense that I threw up everything in my tummy. I labored in the halls for four hours before getting an epidural. I wanted my body to naturally take me through labor. I did not want to miss out on the indescribable feeling of prepping to deliver a my baby. I was able to have that painful and beautiful experience before getting an epidural. Epidurals are a very controversial topic and I hope I won’t be judged for choosing to get one. I had done a lot of research and found that it was the best decision for my birth experience. I was able to mentally and physically rest before the great push. 

1:05 pm: 10 cm. ready to push! I knew when I needed to push and I pushed as hard as I could. My mother and Keith were there by my side as I pushed for 45 minutes. Betty Who played over the speakers as my incredible husband did everything he could to relax, and then motivate me. I felt so close to Keith during this time. 9 months is a long time to wait and the moment was finally here to meet our little ray of sunshine. 

1:50 pm: Isla (eye-luh) Rae Perry was born. I felt so much more than I imagined I would and I remember feeling so relieved to feel her head and then shoulders come out. They immediately put her on my chest and Keith and I cried as we held our creation. It was the most beautiful experience. 

7 lbs 13 oz
21 inches 

my heart grew three sizes that day

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